Feasibility study

Find out how our feasibility study makes your transition to net zero with Solar simple and profitable. You will receive an in-depth technical and commercial analysis so you can make the best decisions for your property.

Haalbaarheidsstudie EN

Realising Solar is challenging. The market is fragmented, financial forecasts are complex and multidisciplinary expertise is required. In our online application, we integrate our expertise and the outcomes of the technical and commercial aspects into a feasibility report and independent advice.

icon blue settings Technical analysis

The basis for your project

Our technical analysis assesses all building-specific aspects, such as roofing, spare capacity in the structure and grid connection. We provide an optimal system design that takes into account all technical requirements and constraints.

icon blue report Commercial analysis

Insights for maximum return

We make detailed return calculations over the lifetime of the installation. We work with scenario analyses for different investment options, so that you choose the configuration that best suits your property and incentives.

icon blue message Independent advice

Being well prepared

Receive technical and commercial analysis and independent advice that serves as a starting point for a tender. This ensures that you can take the next steps towards realisation well-informed and prepared.

icon blue settings Technical analysis

What is technically possible?

Our technical analysis provides an in-depth evaluation of all building-specific aspects to ensure that your solar project is optimally designed and implemented. By ensuring that your solar project stands on solid technical foundations from the start, we minimise risks, and avoid surprises during realisation. Our project developers work with all stakeholders to get everything above board.

This is what you can expect
from us

Constructive investigation
With a structural engineer, we investigate the spare capacity in the structure to determine what additional weight is permissible for the solar panels and ballast. Assessing the slope and water accumulation are included as standard.
Roofing analysis
We make an assessment of the current condition of the roofing and insulation to determine the expected remaining lifespan. We provide recommendations for maintenance or replacement of the roofing if necessary and identify possible restrictions from insurers.
Grid Connection and Grid Management

We make an analysis of the grid connection to determine whether it has sufficient capacity. And whether it is possible to feed electricity back into the grid. In case of congestion or other feed-in restrictions, we determine the best solution for your specific situation.

Together with the house installer, we research the necessary modifications to the HVK and infrastructure to integrate solar safely and efficiently. We determine all cable routes and the best locations for inverters, EMS and gross production meter and integration at transformers.
System design and compliance
We create a detailed system design that takes into account all technical aspects of the building. In doing so, we ensure that everything meets Scope 12 and insurance requirements and all laws and regulations. This ensures the compliance of your system.
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solutions-columns2 Commercial analysis

What scenarios are possible?

Our commercial analysis provides a detailed evaluation and helps you make informed investment decisions that ensure maximum return on your investment in Solar.

  • Different forms of exploitation
  • Comparison of generation and consumption
  • Yield calculations over lifetime
  • Financial arrangements with tenants
  • Sustainability impact
  • Subsidy revenue
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icon blue message Independent advice

The basis for successful tenders

Our advice is independent and of high quality. This allows you to know in advance what the possibilities and challenges of your location are. This forms the basis for a successful tender because we include all issues from the feasibility study in the Programme of Requirements that applies to the call for tenders.

Independent advice

Frequently asked questions

Which financial construction is most profitable: buying, renting or leasing?
To start, you should know that there are various legal structures that determine how the ownership of solar panels is organized. These are the options:
  • you become the owner of the solar panels;
  • you rent your roof to a party that installs solar panels on it;
  • you lease solar panels.
In this article we explain to you why there is one scenario that will yield you the most in almost all cases.
How do I ensure the optimal situation together with my tenant?
The interests of tenant and property owner do not always match. This situation is called the split incentive dilemma. There is usually a certain tension in the owner-tenant relationship, but through good cooperation they can convert the split incentive into a shared incentive. 
Will you also arrange the SDE subsidy for my project?

If we work together on the Feasibility Study, this will include applying for the SDE subsidy. Do you already have a completed project including SDE subsidy? Our Solar Asset Management package also includes management of this process. 

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How much € does the roof of your business premises generate? 

Do the free real estate scan and find out.

Alex Muhring




During the Matching we organize a professional tender. You will receive various offers that perfectly match your desired solar asset. The Matching leads to purchasing benefits and a clear contract with the best provider.

Matching EN