Feasibility study

Find out how our charging infrastructure feasibility study makes your transition to net zero simple and profitable. You will receive a thorough technical and commercial analysis so you can make the best decisions for your property. We incorporate the SPRILA subsidy into the Feasibility Study.

Haalbaarheidsstudie EV - EN

Forward-thinking entrepreneurs know that the switch to sustainable mobility is a matter of time. The new subsidy schemes make investing in charging infrastructure not only more attractive, but also profitable.

icon blue settings Technical analysis

Understanding capital needs

Our technical analysis covers all aspects around electric charging infrastructure. Think of the EV charging power requirements, grid capacity, charging location and type of charging stations. We also calculate the optimal utilisation of the transmission capacity and help you make better use of the available transmission capacity. We provide an optimal system design that takes into account all technical requirements and constraints. 

icon blue report Commercial analysis

Insight into costs and revenues

We calculate the Total Cost of Charging and include the type of charging station, installation costs and operational costs. We also clarify the return on investment with Renewable Fuel Units (HBEs). Get insight into how electric charging infrastructure affects operational costs and reduces your property's carbon footprint.

icon blue message Independent advice at a discount

Benefit from the SPRILA subsidy

A new subsidy is available for entrepreneurs: the Private Charging Infrastructure at Businesses Subsidy Scheme (In Dutch: SPRILA). The grant offers an opportunity to start charging infrastructure, or expand the infrastructure. Our team is ready to guide you through the entire process, from strategic advice to submitting your subsidy application.

icon blue settings Technical analysis

What is technically possible?

By ensuring that your EV charging project is built on solid technical foundations from the start, we minimise risks and avoid surprises during realisation. Our project developers work with all stakeholders to provide complete overview of all requirements.

  • We apply for the SPRILA subsidy. We take care of the process from A to Z.

This is what you can expect from us

Transport capacity

We make an assessment of the current transmission capacity at the grid connection. We give recommendations on the required transmission capacity. In case of congestion or other feed-in restrictions, we determine the best solution for your specific situation.

Power analysis
We make a detailed assessment of current and future power requirements. An analysis of daily peak power requirements in summer and winter is central. We also map annual power requirements.
Location assessment

We analyse the parking area and the main distribution box and make an initial situation sketch for the charging infrastructure. Naturally, we consider a short cable route and optimal charging location for operations. 

Management considerations

We advise on physical and digital security measures concerning the charging infrastructure. We also list the necessary insurances during operation and recycling of the infrastructure after operation.

Type charging stations
We help determine the type and number of charging stations needed to meet your power needs. We obviously take the users of the charging infrastructure as a starting point. We also look at fleet growth forecasts.
Battery & innovations

Depending on transmission capacity and power needs, smarter use of available power may be needed. Perhaps a battery is needed, or smart charging offers a solution. We offer concrete recommendations to ensure business continuity. Whether it is peak shaving, back-up power, or installing or optimising solar panels.

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solutions-columns2 Commercial analysis

Which scenarios are possible?

Our commercial analysis provides a detailed assessment and helps you make informed investment decisions that ensure your investment in charging infrastructure contributes to business goals.

  • Total Cost of Charging
  • HBE inventory and valuation
  • Business case including costs for better utilisation of transmission capacity

icon blue message Independent advice

The basis for successful tenders

Our advice is independent and of high quality. This allows you to know in advance what the possibilities and challenges of your location are. This forms the basis for a successful tender because we include all issues from the feasibility study in the Programme of Requirements that applies to the call for tenders.

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Frequently asked questions

Why is it the right time to apply for SPRILA?

The momentum for electric mobility is growing, and with it the urgency to invest in EV charging infrastructure. By taking advantage of the SPRILA subsidy now, you significantly reduce the cost of this infrastructure. Moreover, the increasing demand for charging points means that market conditions are currently very favourable. The deadline for applying for SPRILA subsidies is fast approaching, which makes it all the more important to take action now. 

How does Zoncoalition help me with the SPRILA grant?

The transition to electric driving has been underway for some time. If you haven't yet stepped in, the SPRILA grant is a good starting point. Zoncoalitie offers guidance from A to Z. Think from evaluating the current infrastructure to strategically submitting the subsidy application. Our experience in successfully applying for subsidies such as the SDE makes us the ideal partner to guide you through the SPRILA process. 

How do I create synergy between solar panels and charging infrastructure?

When planning EV charging infrastructure, it is wise to also consider solar power (PV) installation options. Combining charging points with solar energy not only increases the sustainability of your investment, but can also reduce operational costs. Solar Coalition helps create these synergies so that you get the most out of the investment. 

What is the impact of Renewable Fuel Units (HBEs)?

Besides the direct benefits of the SPRILA subsidy, Renewable Fuel Units (HBEs) can have a significant impact on the revenue you generate from EV charging infrastructure. HBEs offer an additional layer of revenue through the certification of renewables. Sun Coalition advises on how to make the best use of these opportunities. 

Why choose an independent feasibility study by Zoncoalitie?

Conducting an independent feasibility analysis is essential to ensure that investment in EV charging infrastructure is profitable and sustainable. Zoncoalities independence ensures that you get objective and sound advice, with no conflicts of interest. We look only at what is best for your business and sustainable ambitions. 

How do I keep control of electrical hardware?

In a market where electrification hardware options are changing rapidly, it is crucial that you maintain control over the choice and installation of these technologies. Sun Coalition ensures that you choose the most appropriate and cost-effective solutions, focusing on specific needs and long-term goals. 

Where can I find more information about the SPRILA grant?

Power up! 

Zoncoalition is ready to support every step of your EV charging infrastructure project, from feasibility study to final installation.
Contact us today to find out how you can benefit from the SPRILA grant and keep maximum control over your investments. Start shaping a more sustainable future for your property and business now. 

Alex Muhring




During the Matching, we organise a professional tender. You will receive several offers that perfectly match your desired hardware. The Matching leads to procurement benefits and a clear contract with the best provider.

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